Students Counseling Center

Students Counseling Center


Shefeena A M (Lecturer in Computer Engineering)
Chandrika PC (Senior Office Assistant)
Dona Jose (Lecturer in Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Email counseling

Email counseling for students who are unable to attend the service in person. Especially during the pandemic.  Email counseling is similar to face-to-face counseling except that it uses email to communicate. So instead of meeting with your counselor once a week, you will exchange an email. It is a space for you to think about any personal issues that are troubling you. Writing your thoughts and feelings enables you to reflect on them, and for your counselor to also add their reflections. It might identify choices you are currently making and any changes that might be helpful for you. The trained Counselor will reach back to you either via email or over the phone or face to face help you.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Athira V M
Counselor and superintendent Swadhar greh
District women’s council, idukki
For registration: ph. 8590712040